Prestasi Dosen

Prestasi dosen

Menjalin Kerjasama untuk Mewujudkan Pendidikan Kesehatan Berkualitas dan Berdaya Saing Global.

Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta selama ini telah menjalin kerjasama yang erat dengan berbagai institusi pendidikan, lembaga penelitian, serta sektor non-pendidikan, baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengalaman akademik, meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, dan membuka peluang bagi mahasiswa dan dosen untuk berkolaborasi dalam berbagai riset, program pertukaran, serta pengembangan profesionalisme di tingkat global.”
NoNama InstansiJenis KegiatanKurun Waktu KerjasamaKurun Waktu Kerjasama
1Taipe International Health Training Centre (TIHTC)Movement of students between two institution, research collaboration, dll20 Juni 201820 Juni 2021
2National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science (NTUNHS)Academic visit, join teaching programs, joint research, etc25-Sep-1725-Sep-22
3Faculty of Fisioterapi Mahidol Universitystudents exchange, staff exchange, joint research and training activities, and other joint academic activities30 Oktober 201730 Oktober 2020
4Tainan University AllianceMovement of students between two institution, research collaboration, dll01-Mar-1701-Mar-20
5LEEDs UniversityExchange of students and academic staff members, clinical training, joint research, guest lecture30-Jan-1730-Jan-20
6Guiyang Nursing Vocational CollegeExchange studnets, digital class, joint course and educational program, dll20-Jun-1720-Jun-22
7Guizhou UniversityExchange studnets, digital class, joint course and educational program, dll20-Jun-1720-Jun-22
8Guiyang UniversityExchange studnets, digital class, joint course and educational program, dll20-Jun-1720-Jun-22
9Guizhou Normal UniversityExchange studnets, digital class, joint course and educational program, dll20-Jun-1720-Jun-22
10Saxion Universitystudents exchange, staff exchange, joint research and training activities, and other joint academic activities26-Sep-1726-Sep-20
11Nanhua UniversityStudent Exchange, University faculty and researchers exchanges, Identification of methods for academic collaboration, Organization of joint research projects, The exchange of information and publications, Other activities12-Nov-1712-Nov-22
12National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yunin, Taiwan)Student Exchange, Faculty Exchange, Special Short-term Academic Programs, Staff Development Projects, Joint Research and Activities30-Nov-1730-Nov-22
13National Kaohsiung University of Applied SciencesFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs05-Dec-1705-Dec-20
14Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, TaiwanExchange of students, academic and administrative staff, cultural activities, Collaboration on research projects, Participation in seminars and academic meetings, Co-operation on academic, administrative or curriculum matters, on degrees and professional development programmes in comercial base05-Dec-1705-Dec-22
15Aletheia UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs06-Dec-1706-Dec-20
16Wufeng UniversityExchange of faculty and staff members, students, publication and relevant academic and scholary inforamtion, joint research, lecture and symposia, dll11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
17Taipei University of Marine TechnologyFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
18National Quemoy 18UniversityExchange of students and faculty members, Promotion of academic activitie; exchange of information; and research resources, Development of mutually beneficial programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
19Feng Chia UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
20Chian Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, TaiwanExchanges academic scholars and students, Joint research projects, conferences, academic and cultural programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
21Chung Hwa University of Medicial TechnologyFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
22Chaoyang University of TechnologyExchange of students and faculty, academic materials and other information, Joint research activities, Participation in seminars and academic meetings, Special Short-term academic programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
23Chienkuo Technology UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1712-Dec-20
24Fo Guang UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1713-Dec-20
25University of TaipeiExchange academic materials and information, students and visiting scholars, Receive mutual educational visits by faculty and staff, Hold joint international conference, Conduct joint research projects, Engage in other activities to better enhance mutual understanding and cooperation11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
26Yuanpei University of Medical TechnologyVisit by exchange of students, faculty and staff, Collaborative research in any field of interest common to both universities, Joint research activities, or dual degree programs, cultural programs, Special Short-term Academic Programs, Participation in academic activities including workshops, conferences, and meetings11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
27National Formosa UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
28University of Kang Ningcooperate in the further development of the institutions, To broaden the experience of faculty and students of the institutions, To encourage the expansion of international understanding and cultural11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
29Da-Yeh University, TaiwanJoint research activities, teaching or supervision of students. Staging of joint seminars, conferences and academic meetings,Special academic programmes,Education Abroad,Exchange of academic materials and other information,Collaborative academic programmes,Joint collaborative Grant Proposals11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
30Hsing Wu UniversityFaculty mobility, Student mobility, Collaborative research, teaching and engagement, Other mutually agreed upon educational programs11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
31Overseas Chinese Universityoint teaching, joint research, joint conferences and joint cultural programs. consider establishing an exchange agreement, encourage the exchange of scientific materials, publications and information, prepare, as necessary, working programs detailing specific forms and contents of cooperation11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
32Yu Da University of Science and Technologyexchange information, faculty, and students, creating and operating cultural programs, develop mutually beneficial academic programs, execute the dual-semester system11-Dec-1711-Dec-20
33Chang Jung Christian University, TaiwanExchange of faculty members and students, Joint research programs and exchange of academic information, cultural programs, conferences and workshops11-Dec-1711-Dec-22
34Khon Kaen UniversityExchange of faculty members and students, Joint research programs and exchange of academic information, cultural programs, conferences and workshops05-Nov-1805-Nov-23

Tertarik Menjalin Kerjasama Dengan Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta?